After launching our latest espresso machine – the KB90 – we were thrilled to hear Allpress Espresso’s interest to install one in their flagship café in Auckland. This marks the first KB90 espresso machine in New Zealand.

Worldwide, La Marzocco and Allpress share a long-standing relationship, one that originated right here in New Zealand.

Piero Bambi and Michael Allpress

It all began when Piero Bambi, the son of Giuseppe Bambi and nephew of Bruno Bambi, the brothers who founded La Marzocco in 1927, received a fax in 1992 from Michael Allpress, the founder of Allpress Espresso, stating:

“My partner and I are involved in the coffee industry and are interested in the possibility of representing La Marzocco espresso machinery here in New Zealand. We understand that this is the most exceptional espresso machine on the market, and we are committed to using superior products.”

KB90 at Allpress Roastery Cafe Auckland

Piero responded in favour of Michael’s request, and Allpress soon became one of the earliest La Marzocco distributors outside of Italy. For many years they were the sole supplier of our machinery to New Zealand’s specialty coffee industry.

Allpress, helped establish an excellent foundation for La Marzocco to open our branch office here in New Zealand in 2014. The branch office and workshop give La Marzocco the fundamentals to coordinate events, sales, training and technical support to meet the demands of the market, directly and independently as the manufacturer.

KB90 Allpress staright in portafilter

At 85 years of age, Piero is still actively involved with R&D and is onsite at the factory every working day. He was delighted to hear the news saying, “such collaboration [La Marzocco and Allpress] has been so long and rich because of a common basis in work ethic: having respect and passion for our job. This kind of ethic drives you to push yourself to always do something more and to improve your product thinking about the final user. This is how the KB90 was born, and I am sure Allpress would appreciate that.”

Piero is correct in saying that this product was developed with the baristas at front of mind. Some time ago, Kent Bakke (former CEO of La Marzocco) expressed his vision to La Marzocco’s R&D team for the straight-in portafilter, and the positive impact it would have on barista performance. It’s in this particular machine where his idea finally came to life.

Allpress KB90 making espresso

Kent Bakke and the KB90

A tribute to the 90 years of La Marzocco history and Kent Bakke (hence the name KB90) this anniversary machine was designed specifically to increase the speed of service in cafes while making this easier for the barista with improved workflow. The machine allows for faster production, reduces wrist strain, plus through the automated water and steam purge of the grouphead improves coffee quality.

KB90 white at Allpress Auckland

The distinct retro body shape design offers endless customisation options – Allpress carefully selected the colours for this particular machine to complement both their brand and cafe interior. If you’re in the city, be sure to stop by for a coffee and check out the La Marzocco KB90 in full-swing at the Allpress Roastery in Freemans Bay.

For any enquiries about this machine, get in touch.