Meet Cam from Local Authority.

Shop 1/1 Walton Leigh Ave, Porirua, Wellington.

Cam from Local Authority Wellington

Tell us why you opened a cafe?
My sister Verity, Brad and I wanted to open a coffee shop because we love good coffee and wanted to bring that to our hood: Porirua, in Wellington. We are located at the bottom of one of the only business buildings in Porirua, right next door to the City Fitness gym.

How long have you been using the Linea Classic for?

On and off for 7 years.

local authority linea classic side view

Why did you decide on the Linea Classic as your espresso machine equipment?

The Linea Classic was the first machine I learnt how to make coffee on – so it was the natural choice when deciding what to use for our shop. It’s a simple design that suits our vibe and is also really consistent in terms of espresso extraction.

Linea Classic white making espresso
Local Authority Flat White

How many coffees does your Classic make?

100ish coffees a day. 12-15kg of Peoples Coffee per week.

Favourite memory at Local Authority?

Our first day of trade and the relationships we have made with customers.

Local Authority ambience
Linea Classic White